Vivie Li李睿婷
Always striving to be the best she can and to develop and learn new skills, Sales Assistant Vivie Li brings boundless energy and a drive to succeed. Vivie always gives more than you expect, delivering unforgettable customer experiences and dedicated to realising the full potential of every property.
Having completed a Bachelor or Finance with a Major in Accounting, Vivie set about building and nurturing her network and honing her entrepreneurial skills. She worked in sales for a pharmaceutical firm and over 11 years owned and grew a highly successful business in Chatswood. She is a confident professional with a wealth of experience and a remarkable ability to establish and maintain genuine relationships.
Fluent in Mandarin and Shanghainese, she has a very natural way about her, always making her clients feel at ease. Vivie has an intimate knowledge of the North Shore Market, enjoying the area’s diversity and is deeply connected in the community. Her broad knowledge of Asian culture garnered through her own experiences and her outstanding skillset make her a valuable member of Brian's team.